After 6 months of watching things go from silly, to bat shit crazy and finally landing on genuinely dangerous, the need to look seriously into the hidden agenda has become ever increasingly obvious.
So where to start?
Yesterday I called The Department of Health and Human Services in Victoria.
I spoke to Matteo. He was very nice. Every time he tried to refer me onto the national covid website I politely reminded him that it was not national people but state people who were making decisions concerning my existence and it was from these people that I wished to garner some information. He mentioned a department in the organisation with the ominous name of "The Directives Department". When I asked if I could speak to someone from that department I was told that they could not be contacted over the phone. I required clarification on this point. The department within the organisation directly responsible for directives dictating how the public live in the world, could not be accessed via telephone.................. by the public. The ideas of transparency and accountability sprang into my head but really, this is my first foray into the seedy underbelly of the beurocratic bohemoth, who am I to get so judgmental right away. Matteo politely took my details and assured me someone would email me back.
Today I received a telephone call. I was given the direct number to, the DHHS press liason. and their email address. I suppose, this means that, I am press. Once again, it beats flipping burgers.
presented by :Shannon-Doah: McGurgan.